It is a joy to introduce you to Maggie, the Art Lab Rx mobile art therapy studio — especially during the holiday season.

When dreaming about creating a healing arts center, it was a still small whisper that told me to put it on a bus. This is why first and foremost, I firmly believe that Maggie is a gift from God. And now it’s time to share this gift with you.

There are so many more people to thank. Watch our video of Maggie’s transformation and see everyone who helped make her happen.

As I think about my journey, I am filled with gratitude for the many gifts I’ve received.

I am thankful for the incredible community of people who gave their creative talents to help bring my vision to life. Maggie was a truly collaborative effort, and everyone has an essential piece woven into her tapestry — the fabric of Art Lab Rx.

The relationships I built have created an amazing network that connected me to the best people at every turn. I’d especially like to acknowledge the invaluable support and mentorship I received through Women Venture. This is where I met creative director Susan Ebertowski, who’s expertly led the brand design for Art Lab Rx.

I also want to thank JD of Buses and More, who found the perfect bus for my needs. The team at Creative Color who turned my artwork into a bus wrap so stunning it took my breath away. David Benck and his team at Benck Mechanical whose behind-the-scenes efforts will keep us comfortable year round. And David Aichinger of Standing Cedars Workshop, whose custom woodwork created such an inspiring, comforting space, I felt an instant sense of calm and kinship with Maggie the moment I stepped in. I know the craftsmanship and care will make you feel valued and welcomed as well.

I believe that the very best gifts are expressions of love.  And sharing those gifts brings the love back full circle. Everyone I’ve had the privilege to work with has given their best to me and Maggie.  And now that she is ready to roll, I can’t wait to share the gift of healing with you.

There are so many more people to thank. Watch our video of Maggie’s transformation and see everyone who helped make her happen.