Did you know you can do art therapy through telehealth? If you are feeling more and more stressed right now and haven’t seen a Therapist before, this is a great time to start. Art therapy through Art Lab Rx is the perfect place to begin. You do not need to be an artist to benefit from art therapy.

As an Art Therapist I often hear new clients ask if it’s okay if they only draw stick people. Yes, stick people are great because they, too, tell a story. Even though we are trained to be concerned about the outcome of our art pieces since grade school, that is NOT the most important thing in art therapy. 

Your work with an Art Therapist is more about the process and less about the final art product. We guide you through creative self-expression interventions that help keep you pleasantly engaged without too much difficulty in order for you to get into the flow of art-making. 

Traditionally this is done face-to-face, however, since the onset of COVID-19 and social distancing, Telehealth is a wonderful format for art therapy sessions. I must admit, at first I wasn’t sure I could get the same connection with my clients through an electronic session, but there’s actually more personal connection than I first thought. I have been able to maintain consistency by continuing to work this way with clients. 

Telehealth services are safe and secure with a HIPAA compliant platform and ethical guidelines apply to your Telehealth sessions. Your privacy is protected because nothing is recorded, saved, or captured. 

Art therapy through Telehealth could be a less intimidating platform if you’ve never been to therapy before. 

How to prepare yourself for a successful Telehealth session:

  1. Safe Space – Find a room where you will be comfortable with minimal distractions. It’s best to close the door… use headphones if needed. Create “white noise” by turning a fan on outside of the door and turn off music in the room. 
  2. Lighting – Have a well lit room where the light is at your side or above you but not behind you. 
  3. Technology – You can use a laptop, desktop, phone or tablet. Make sure you have a good internet connection with the latest version of Firefox or Chrome.
  4. Art Materials – Gather whatever art supplies you have on hand. We will work with what you’ve got.  
  5. YOU – Breathe…this is new and different, we get it, and if you tell your therapist how you’re feeling about the process, we can work through anxiety or fears together. We make it work for you. 

Seeking therapy when life is overwhelming or stressful is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Telehealth removes the access barrier to therapy when you need it most. Contact us, we are here to help. 

– Lisa Lounsbury, MA, LMFT, ATR-BC, Executive Director of Art Lab Rx, LLC